Scalp massages — effective or not

April Rorie
8 min readOct 25, 2021

Scalp massages are a popular treatment for both hair loss and scalp issues. They can help stimulate blood flow to the scalp, which in turn helps promote healthy hair growth. Scalp massages also have a relaxing effect on your mind and body! In this article, we will discuss whether or not scalp massages are effective at promoting hair growth.

What are scalp massages?

Scalp massages can be helpful in several ways, including stress relief and relaxation, stimulating new cell growth, and encouraging blood circulation. It can easily be performed by yourself or with the help of someone else. All you need is some oil and your fingers for direct contact on your head, which we all should be doing anyway! Scalp massages should not hurt but may feel uncomfortable if it is being done correctly.

They should not require any special equipment or training either, so anyone can do them whenever necessary. It has been recommended to do it at least once per week. Doing the massage once per week does not vary depending on individual needs unless there is an infection or skin problem that needs to be treated.

What causes hair loss?

A variety of reasons causes hair loss. Most commonly, it occurs when the hair falls out more than what grows back in. The most common cause for this kind of hair loss would be male pattern baldness which affects men at about 50% but can affect women too!

For some individuals, their genetics may play an important role as well, and they might see changes even before reaching adulthood while others are able to maintain healthy locks until later on in life. Stress also plays a significant role in triggering early hair thinning or complete balding patterns — make sure you take care of yourself if you notice your stress levels rising around specific events like work deadlines or family issues.

Lastly, some underlying medical conditions could be responsible for hair loss.

How do scalp massages work to promote hair growth?

Scalp massages promote hair growth by stimulating blood flow, which can help improve the health of your scalp and circulation. Scalp massages also trigger the release of endorphins, a natural painkiller known for triggering “feel-good” feelings and reducing stress.

Endorphin production helps reduce severity or frequency in stressful situations like breakouts, dry skin patches, and other conditions associated with poor blood circulation. In addition, when we feel relaxed, our bodies can heal themselves more quickly from everyday injuries such as cuts, bruises, and burns, as well as common ailments such as colds/flu and headaches.

Massaging releases tension around muscle groups, allowing them to relax further than they would be on their own, leading to an overall healthier body.

Anyone of any age or gender may perform scalp massages; they are safe for use on all hair types, whether oily, dry, curly, or straight; the same scalp massage techniques will work on everyone. Before starting a scalp massage session, the only things you need are your hands (or someone else’s!), enough time to do the treatment, and some oil if needed.

You can rub in either clockwise/counter-clockwise motions depending on what feels best for you and how much pressure you apply while doing so. Some people prefer lighter touches than others, but a scalp massage should never involve pain during this process unless that person has susceptible skin, which is more common in children.

However, even if you do not have sensitive skin, it is still important to only use the amount of pressure that feels good and comfortable for your scalp; anything else can cause more damage than benefit!

Scalp massages

Scalp massages are very popular in many parts of the world, but it is still an unknown science. The main point is to give you some information about how a scalp massage can help with hair loss and what does not work so well.

The first thing that has come up as a discussion on various forums was whether or not shampooing your hair before doing scalp massage makes any difference at all? Some people say yes! They claim that there might be less blood circulation through their scalp if they do the treatment without washing the roots beforehand — making it more difficult for new cells to grow.

On the other hand, others believe that this would decrease the success rate since washing one’s head just once per week is insufficient to rid your hair of all the dirt and grime.

I believe in doing scalp massage without washing my head beforehand because I have noticed significant effects on amla oil before massaging my head. Worth trying!

Before starting a regular massage session, a good practice would be to apply some olive oil or almond oil into your roots while having a shower. Additionally, you can use a better hair oil like amla oil afterward to help increase blood circulation with every treatment.

It is believed by some people to use their fingers instead of massaging sticks or scalp brushes because having that direct contact with your head will provide better results. However, there has been no scientific evidence for this type of massage; therefore, I would recommend sticking to using one whenever possible.

Another myth about doing scalp massage was whether or not deep tissue techniques make any difference? The general opinion here was that only light stroking could encourage new cell growth and reduce hair loss. Deep tissue techniques would only be helpful if one has a scalp infection or skin problem that needs gentle care.

However, a deep pressure massage should not hurt you at all! And this is where the primary debate begins since there are people who claim it does work for them and others say precisely the opposite — which makes me believe that maybe both ways might bring results depending on what kind of hair type one has?

Scalp massage is not painful.

Massages are popular for several reasons, including stress relief and relaxation. If you choose to give someone a scalp massage of your own free will, the only thing you should do is use gentle pressure with your fingers or thumbs on their head. You don’t need any special equipment or training to perform one either, so anyone can do them.

The scalp contains spinal fluid, which means that this massaging technique could affect the nervous system by stimulating nerves near the skin’s surface. It also stimulates blood flow into hair follicles, promotes cell growth, reduces inflammation, relieves pain caused by tight muscles, and has many other benefits like keeping brain waves activated (a good thing for sleep).

Massages are not painful but can be uncomfortable if you press too hard. However, if done correctly, the person will feel relaxed and refreshed afterward. It also feels good when someone else does it to you. You could even try adding some essential oils like a couple of drops of lavender oil into your hands before giving a scalp massage to enhance its effects. Massage is easy enough that anyone with minimal training can do it, so go ahead and let someone take care of your head next time they offer!

Shampooing before is not necessary.

You do not necessarily have to shampoo your hair before a scalp massage. It may sometimes be harmful to the skin on your head, as it will irritate the pores.

Just wash your hair normally, and then do the scalp massage. It should be noted that you don’t have to use shampoo for this process either — it is just an option if your head feels especially grimy or oily.

What does a scalp massage do to your scalp?

Before starting a regular massage session, a good practice would be to apply some olive oil or almond oil into your roots while having a shower. Additionally, you can use amla oil afterward to help increase blood circulation with every treatment. Another myth about doing scalp massage was whether or not deep tissue techniques make any difference? The general opinion here was that only light stroking could encourage new cell growth and reduce hair loss. Deep tissue techniques would only be helpful if one has a scalp infection or skin problem that needs to be treated with gentle care.

Scalp massages can also help speed up your metabolism while stimulating lymphatic drainage. In addition, they can help reduce the risk of hair loss by increasing blood circulation while also stimulating new cell growth.

What is the purpose of scalp massages?

A scalp massage can act as stress relief, relaxation, improve blood circulation, and stimulate new cell growth. Scalp massages are easy to perform and require no special equipment or training.

How often should I do scalp massages?

I recommend that you do scalp massages at least once per week, but it can vary depending on individual needs. Scalp massages should not be painful but may feel uncomfortable if they are being done correctly.

Can I shampoo before a scalp massage?

Someone doesn’t have to shampoo their hair before giving a scalp massage as it will irritate the pores on the head. One can wash their hair normally and then do the scalp massage afterward. It should be noted that you don’t have to use shampoo for this process either — it is just an option if your head feels especially grimy or oily.

What does a deep pressure massage do?

It has been claimed by some people that only light stroking could encourage new cell growth and reduce hair loss, while others say precisely the opposite, which makes me believe that either way might deliver results.

The general opinion here was that a deep tissue technique would only be helpful if someone had a scalp infection or skin problem. People with a scalp condition or disorder may need gentle care, with stimulating blood circulation being beneficial. Still, there hasn’t been any scientific evidence about this type of massage.

Natural remedies

It is vital to consider using natural remedies, such as essential oils to help with hair loss. Essential oils are created by distilling the oil of a plant that has therapeutic qualities for specific purposes. The age of hair can indicate its health and wellness — for example, weak and damaged hair will often break more easily and grow much slower than healthy hair. Healthy hair has an average growth rate of approximately half an inch per month.

When scalp massages are done correctly, they may feel uncomfortable. Still, they should not cause pain unless it is a deep pressure technique, which a physician might only recommend if someone had a scalp infection or skin problem, although there isn’t scientific proof to support this yet. Scalp massages can also help speed up your metabolism while stimulating lymphatic drainage.

It’s essential to consider taking natural remedies, such as essential oils to help with hair loss. Essential oils are created by distilling the oil of a plant that has therapeutic qualities for specific purposes. In addition, hair age can indicate its health and wellness — for example, weak and damaged hair will often break more easily and grow much less quickly than healthy hair. Healthy hair has an average growth rate of approximately half an inch per month.


Finally, I would like to add that this is my personal opinion based on all the research I have done about whether scalp massages are effective or not. Unfortunately, there isn’t any scientific proof yet, which makes me believe either way might give you the results you’re looking for; however, it’s always a good idea to check with your doctor before doing something you’ve never tried before.

The benefits of scalp massages are that they may help speed up one’s metabolism while stimulating lymphatic drainage, reducing hair loss by increasing blood circulation. It may also encourage new cell growth. You shouldn’t need any special equipment nor training to perform a scalp massage. However, it has been recommended you do a scalp massage at least once per week.

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April Rorie

Hi, I’m April and I have a few gems to share with whom is willing to reciev them. I have over 30 years as an entrepreneur in the beauty space.