Ten Reasons Why

April Rorie
8 min readJul 24, 2021

Entrepreneurs aspire to make a difference in the world, not simply in their own lives. To many, becoming an entrepreneur may appear to be a frightening and high-risk trip, while to others, this unexpected adventure seems to be the same road that their life should take. Yet, entering the uncharted battleground of business is perhaps the only option for those who despise their employment to alter their circumstances and succeed.

Starting your own business involves money, many hours of hard effort, patience, and the awareness that you may not make much money the first year or two, or your firm may collapse altogether. According to Entrepreneur magazine, around 30% of small firms fail within the first two years, and half die by the fifth year.

Despite these grim statistics, tens of thousands of people establish their enterprises each year. Understanding some of the main motivations that motivate entrepreneurs to go it alone can help you determine whether becoming your boss is worth the risk.

If you’ve been toying with the idea of starting a business, now could be a perfect moment to take the plunge. This article may help you determine whether you should transition from employee to entrepreneur.

Becoming an entrepreneur is not a fairy tale; it is a significant change in one’s way of life. It is also quite different and often more challenging than working for a corporation.

1. Personalization

Doing business with a giant firm, or working for a larger company, may seem impersonal to an entrepreneur. However, the urge to bring a personal touch back into doing business drives the desire to establish a business. Entrepreneurs get to connect directly with their consumers instead of corporate employees, who frequently only deal with coworkers.

2. Being in command

According to The Business Journals, some entrepreneurs establish their businesses because they want to be a boss, and they want the command of all of the day-to-day operations of a firm. The entrepreneur desires to be the one who makes meaningful business choices, determines the company’s direction, makes decisions on product development and marketing, and is accountable for all aspects of the company’s operation.

3. Personal finance improvement

Some entrepreneurs are motivated to establish their businesses due to financial constraints. If a job does not provide enough money, an entrepreneur may start a side hustle to supplement their income, growing into a full-time business. This frequently occurs when people learn that establishing a business is not as expensive or difficult as they had thought, according to Knew Money.

4. Possessing a sense of achievement

Knowing you built a successful firm and gaining the admiration of friends and business acquaintances are elements that inspire people to become entrepreneurs. They believe they provide a vital service to their clients and take pleasure in performing the most satisfactory job possible. In addition, many businesses give back to their communities by making charitable contributions and taking part in philanthropic activities. This sense of success and pride is critical when establishing a business.

5. Admire other business owners

Successful people inspire others to follow in their footsteps. These aspirants think they would network with individuals who have previously established successful enterprises by becoming entrepreneurs. They believe they have the potential to come up with the next big thing and transform the lives of millions of people. Seeing someone start from nothing and evolve into a successful businessperson inspires these ambitious entrepreneurs to save money and establish their own companies.

6. Refuse to work for an employer

Some people have a difficult time respecting authority. They despise that superiors are in charge of their job and are constantly peering over their shoulders. They are turned off by not having an ultimate say in critical choices. Therefore they look for positions where they can exert more significant influence over corporate operations. They feel that being their boss is the only way to perform the job successfully and cheerfully, despite their dislike for authoritative persons.

7. Working a 9-to-5 job isn’t for them

Working an average job does not appear to be fulfilling to potential entrepreneurs. They find it extremely tedious to do uninteresting activities. After a time, getting coffee and meeting kind coworkers becomes tedious. Working 9 to 5 doesn’t fulfill their burning desire for creativity and invention since it’s too routine and monotonous. They believe that instead of making a difference globally, they are merely doing what society expects. They can freely express their creative ideas and realize their ambitions by creating their own business.

8. Enjoy taking chances

It takes a lot of risks to build a successful firm, and entrepreneurs enjoy taking chances! They live for thrills and excitement. They get thrills from brainstorming fresh ideas and betting on their chances of success in their target market. They seek out high-stakes projects to manage because they are confident in their ability to complete them. Whether these initiatives become multimillion-dollar successes or total failures that prospective entrepreneurs regret, the process of investing in an idea and watching it grow makes aspiring entrepreneurs happy.

9. Financial success and income security

I believe there are two reasons behind this. First, some entrepreneurs are motivated by the goal to create the next “unicorn” — a privately held company worth more than $1 billion (see examples). Second, the entrepreneur seeking financial stability is far more prevalent. Because of their lack of education, poor language skills, illegal discrimination, or past incarceration, they may not get regular work. For them, establishing a business and generating their opportunity is one of the most acceptable ways to achieve financial stability.

10. Simply don’t have any other options

Some people become entrepreneurs because they believe it is a necessary step in their lives. Their past work experience or academic achievements have led them to recognize that working for others is no longer a viable option for them. A burning desire in their souls informs them that they have a greater purpose in life than being an employee. Entrepreneurs are driven by a desire to succeed and have control over their fate. They have no restrictions on the amount of money they can make or the options they may pursue when they own a firm.

Making the transition from an employee to an entrepreneur: an example

Brian Hart, founder of Flackable

Brian Hart was penniless when he initially established a business plan for his financial PR agency and anticipated to work full-time on his business for at least another year.

Someone approached him over the internet looking for new PR help. His concept was precisely what the firm desired, so he resigned right away to pursue and build Flackable.

“I’ll be a player in my profession for the next three or four decades,” Hart added. “To thrive in a shifting corporate world, I’m investing in talent, technology, and innovation. Clients like our forward-thinking attitude, which sets us apart from the pack.”

Building a team has been one of Hart’s most gratifying and most challenging parts of entrepreneurship.

“Your first full-time employee brings new layers of complexity and responsibility. So when I became more thrilled about my colleagues’ successes than my own, I knew I was a leader, “he said.

Hart warned aspiring entrepreneurs that success requires more than a product or service.

“You need a compelling tale,” he added. “That’s how you set yourself apart.”

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Is it possible to work as a part-time entrepreneur and as a full-time employee at the same time?

Many experts will tell you that you can’t thrive as a part-time entrepreneur since every excellent business requires 100% dedication. Nobody has enough funds to go a year or more without a paycheck, fund a business, and feed a family. As a result, I typically advise entrepreneurs to work full-time until their business is profitable.

In the case of investors or wealthy relatives, there is nothing wrong with dedicating yourself to a business with more ambitious goals and growth objectives. However, we’re all aware of the dangers of rivals closing in and market variables shifting before launch.

I offer some practical advice for those who choose to retain your day job while working for your company. Even if you’re working full-time for your company, these tips are invaluable:

1. Find a balanced co-founder

Two part-time co-founders outperform one full-time founder. You both require complementary talents, the capacity to discuss options, and the propensity to keep each other motivated. One must still be the final decision-maker.

2. Set up startup times and days with the crew

Building a startup is difficult and takes discipline. A part-time job does not mean working alone. Consistently meet with the team on weekends and a couple of particular nights every week.

3. Learn to say no to your pals

Time management is crucial. Everyone around you likes adding to your plan and de-cluttering. Saying no without a long list of excuses or moaning about how busy you are is essential. It’s impossible to please everyone, so focus on yourself first.

4. Set reasonable goals and stick to them

Part-timers might easily blame other priorities for missing milestones, but predictable results and measurements are much more essential in this manner. Use the 80/20 rule to get the most out of your efforts.

5. Choose a longer-term business idea

Some business concepts rely on a craze or have numerous rivals battling for a small market. Part-time workers cannot compete in these fields. On the other hand, if you have a novel technology with a patent, you may have extra time to perfect it.

Bottom line

In conclusion, customers don’t care if the founders operate their businesses part-time or full-time as long as the product answers a need. The staff is dedicated to doing the company a little better every day. It all boils down to teamwork.

What motivates a person to go it alone and establish a business? A person may have been laid off once or twice. A person may be dissatisfied with their present work and see no better opportunities on the horizon. A person may become aware that their employment is in danger at any moment. A company may be considering layoffs, resulting in losing a job or reducing career or income opportunities. Maybe someone has already been passed over for a promotion. Perhaps a person finds no possibilities for someone with their interests and talents in current companies.

Working for someone else may be repulsive to some individuals. In addition, employees are dissatisfied with a system in which rewards are frequently based on seniority rather than performance or in which they must adhere to corporate culture.

Others become entrepreneurs after becoming disillusioned with the bureaucracy and politics of advancing in a well-established company or profession. Some people are fed up with attempting to sell a product, service, or method of doing business that isn’t part of a big corporation’s core activities. Finally, some individuals consider the employment and career opportunities in their area and decide to go into business for themselves.

In Conclusion

“Your time is finite, so don’t spend it living someone else’s life,” Steve Jobs once remarked. Don’t get caught up in dogma, which is living with the outcomes of other people’s reasoning. Allowing the din of others’ views to drown out your inner voice is a mistake. Above all, dare to listen to your heart and instincts. They seem to have a suspicion of who you wish to be. Everything else is just a bonus.

As a result, becoming an entrepreneur may be a frightening experience, but we are here to assist you in achieving your goals. Visit our website for additional information.



April Rorie

Hi, I’m April and I have a few gems to share with whom is willing to reciev them. I have over 30 years as an entrepreneur in the beauty space.